Who doesn’t wish to perform better at work and be in a good mood all the time? Experts at the University of Tsukuba in Japan have discovered that 10-minute power runs are what can boost your mood and mental performance at work. Let’s dive into the research and find out why running is the secret to a happy life!
The Impact of Short Runs

The study was published in Scientific Reports. The experts found that a short run can increase the blood flow to the prefrontal cortex. This is the area of the brain responsible for planning, making decisions, organizing your thoughts, working towards achieving a goal, and short-term memory. In short, it’s the part of the brain you should be using at work. In the study, those who went on a 10-minute run showed big progress in their cognitive reactions and brain-processing skills. Their moods were boosted as well.
How Does Running Actually Help?
The enhanced blood flow was monitored with the help of functional near-infrared spectroscopy (FNIRS). Professor Hideaki Soya, a biochemist in the Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences at the University of Tsukuba, explained that with the executive control needed for balance, movement, and propulsion during running, it is not surprising that the neuronal activation in the prefrontal cortex would be increased. It is also normal that other functions in the same region would benefit from this.
It was already well-known that short workouts can significantly improve our mental and physical health, but this new study concentrates on the specific area of the brain activated by running. So, whether you do quick runs in the morning or around lunchtime, it can empower your brain and boost your overall mood.
A Tip for Marathon Runners

Phil Sesemann, a British marathon runner, suggests making long-term plans. According to him, it’s important to make running a part of your life instead of just waiting for the marathon to approach. Daily runs are something you should enjoy doing as you can benefit from them for a long time.